HELLO, I happy with my kindle, but I would have a small fault it. I chose a book "dangerous connections" to € 2.99 was paid by C / B , which was removed before I could start the lire.D other hand I wanted to make a claim one unfortunately, everything is in English and impossible to explain. On the other hand the book that are offered are of the same works excelent book free bravo to kindle to encourage young people to read a lot. THANKS.
Companion of loneliness
I am a member of the Society of French Poets and a book club, I have a great relationship with the paper book and even a passion for style collection of books Jean de Bonnot, however Kindle is for me a few months companion of solitude in the queues and especially on holiday where I can take the Memoires d'Outre Tombe on the beach!
Excellent purchase in addition to the printed book ...