GPP Sim Tool Unlock for All iPhone 4S iOS 5.0.1 & 5.0 without Jailbreak

The carrier-locked iPhones became a much lesser problem since the iPhone hit most of the major carriers worldwide.
But there are those people who still buy foreign carrier-locked iPhones.
Most of the locked iPhones come from USA's AT&T, so the GPP SIM tool should be good news for those people.

It will look same as Gevey sim tool!

The GPP SIM tool reportedly unlocks successfully every AT&T-bound iPhone 4S
as well as the Japan's KDDI and Softbank iPhone 4S. As with similar solutions such as Gevey and RebelSIM,
you just put your SIM along with the insert into the provided SIM tray and insert the lot into the iPhone.
That's it. And no steps or instructions needed as with Gevey or rebel sim tools!

According to the GPP Team, the GPP SIM unlocks every AT&T iPhone 4S phones running iOS 5.0 and iOS 5.01
no jailbreak needed. There is no mention whether the GPP SIM will work with other carrier-locked iPhones as well.
But probably yes!

The thing that the GPP Team forgot to mention is the activation process. Even if that tool works properly,
you still need to go through the Apple's servers for authentication. Of course,
any active or inactive AT&T/KDDI/Softbank SIM card will do the trick and you should be able to get one from

The GPP SIM tool already available for a $85.00
The team who invented it have their own web site already
You can order it right now, ships from California